Pipe17 Connect:MCF Installation

Pipe17 Connect:MCF Installation

To get started with Pipe17 Connect:MCF follow these steps:

  1. Look for an email called “Welcome to Pipe17 Connect:MCF”. In there you’ll find the discount code and instructions for installing the app

  2. Turn off any pop-up blockers in your browser or check for pop-ups that you need to allow.

  3. Login to Shopify and grant the Pipe17 Connect MCF app access to your Shopify store

  4. Login to your Amazon Seller Central account and grant permissions

  5. Open Shopify Location Settings and verify there is a new app location

    for each Amazon marketplace. If it does not appear or you see any error messages, email support@pipe17.com

  6. Update your Shopify products to use Amazon.com (MCF) as the fulfillment service. You can edit them one at a time on the inventory portion of the product or variant page.

    Or you can bulk edit the “fulfillment service” for multiple products using the “edit products” button.

    You can read more about bulk edit in shopify at this link https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/shopify-admin/productivity-tools/bulk-editing-products#select-product-properties-to-edit-in-bulk

  7. Create a test order in Shopify

  8. Wait ten minutes and confirm your order appears in Amazon Seller Central

  9. Look for an email called “Set Your Password” from Pipe17 and login after picking a secure password.

  10. Open the billing page in the Organizations menu and setup your payment information.



  • Pipe17 Connect:MCF only supports the Amazon US marketplace. If you need other marketplaces supported or need order routing or other capabilities of the full Pipe17 product, contact us at sales@pipe17.com


If you run into any issues, please email us at support@pipe17.com or book time with the product manager, Chris Pagel via https://appointmentthing.com/cpagel

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