Rerun Order Routing

Stuck orders in Pipe17 can often be resolved by simply re-running order routing. This can be done in two ways.

A stuck order is an order that remains in “Ready for Fulfillment” status for longer than usual.

  • For a specific order: If you want to re-run order routing for one order, head into the Order Details page and click the "Re-run Routing" button.

  • Re-run routing daily: Pipe17 can automatically retry order routing for all your stuck orders once per day, if you enable "Run order routing for stuck orders daily". You can do so in your Integrations → Order Routing Engine settings:

Note: If you turn on the setting to re-run order routing daily, this will apply to all stuck orders created in the past 30 days. Before enabling this, make sure you don't have any orders in that time period that should not be routed.