Source doc samples for mapping testing

Source doc samples for mapping testing

How to get source doc samples for Pipe17 entities

Actually we can always request for samples via Pipe17 Get API for all Pipe17 entities https://apidoc.pipe17.com/

Sales Order

{ "billingAddress": { "address1": "9999 S Claremont St", "address2": "", "city": "San Mateo", "company": "Test Do Not Ship", "country": "US", "email": "Test@pipe17.com", "firstName": "TestFirstName", "lastName": "TestLastName", "phone": "", "stateOrProvince": "CA", "zipCodeOrPostalCode": "94402" }, "createdAt": "2022-08-01T08:30:49.767Z", "currency": "USD", "customFields": [ { "name": "TestCustomFieldName", "value": "TestCustomFieldValue" } ], "customer": { "extCustomerId": "2208010830", "firstName": "Pipe17", "lastName": "pipe17", "company": "TestCompany" }, "extOrderApiId": "9988770001", "extOrderCreatedAt": "2022-08-01T08:31:32.000Z", "extOrderId": "TestOrder001", "extOrderUpdatedAt": "2022-08-02T09:41:34.000Z", "extOrderUrl": "https://pipe17.com/orders/9988770001", "integration": "bf5ab205c7g5kc00", "lineItems": [ { "itemDiscount": 0, "itemPrice": 30, "itemTax": 5.69, "name": "TestProduct001", "quantity": 2, "requiresShipping": false, "sku": "P0001", "taxable": true, "uniqueId": "11486016962709" }, { "itemDiscount": 0, "itemPrice": 19, "itemTax": 2.19, "name": "TestProduct002", "quantity": 3, "requiresShipping": false, "sku": "P0002", "taxable": true, "uniqueId": "11486016962899" } ], "locationId": "374a1e1804f29f54", "orderDiscount": 0, "orderId": "abe31280071b0999", "orderSource": "Shopify", "orderSourceType": "sales", "orderTax": 7.8, "orgKey": "6fb28a897a96f1bc", "paymentStatus": "paid", "payments": [ { "method": "cash", "status": "succeeded", "amount": 100, "currency": "USD" }, { "method": "creditCard", "kind": "mastercard", "status": "succeeded", "amount": 24.8, "currency": "USD" } ], "requireShippingLabels": false, "routingStatus": "disabled", "shippingAddress": { "address1": "9999 S Claremont St", "address2": "", "city": "San Mateo", "company": "Test Do Not Ship", "country": "US", "email": "Test@pipe17.com", "firstName": "TestFirstName", "lastName": "TestLastName", "phone": "", "stateOrProvince": "CA", "zipCodeOrPostalCode": "94402" }, "shipByDate": "2022-08-02T07:00:00.000Z", "shippingCarrier": "More", "shippingClass": "USPS First Class Mail", "shippingCode": "", "shippingPrice": 0, "status": "readyForFulfillment", "subTotalPrice": 117, "tags": [ "TestTag" ], "totalPrice": 124.8, "updatedAt": "2022-08-03T10:37:49.767Z", "orderType": "" }

Shipping Request

{ "createdAt": "2022-08-02T11:08:19.862Z", "extOrderId": "TestOrder001", "extShipmentId": "TestOrder001", "fulfillmentIntegrationId": "dc59350801a04660", "giftNote": "", "integration": "bf5ab205c7g5kc00", "lineItems": [ { "itemPrice": 30, "name": "TestProduct001", "quantity": 2, "sku": "P0001", "uniqueId": "11486016962709", "shippedQuantity": 1 } ], "locationId": "374a1e1804f29f54", "orderCreateTime": "2022-08-01T08:30:49.767Z", "orderId": "abe31280071b0999", "orderSource": "Shopify", "orderType": "sales", "orgKey": "f3dd289f45b4aa2b", "sentToFulfillmentAt": "2022-08-02T13:09:28.503Z", "shipByDate": "2022-08-05T07:00:00.000Z", "shipmentId": "f8d12a73bf3dae60", "shippingAddress": { "address1": "9999 S Claremont St", "address2": "", "city": "San Mateo", "company": "Test Do Not Ship", "country": "US", "email": "Test@pipe17.com", "firstName": "TestFirstName", "lastName": "TestLastName", "phone": "", "stateOrProvince": "CA", "zipCodeOrPostalCode": "94402" }, "shippingCarrier": "More", "shippingClass": "USPS First Class Mail", "shippingCode": "", "shippingMethodMapping": false, "shippingNote": "", "status": "fulfilled", "tags": [ "TestTag" ], "updatedAt": "2022-08-03T11:37:20.159Z", "version": 1 }


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Purchase Order

Transfer Order




How to get source doc samples for entities from external endpoints

Source doc samples from NetSuite

Sales Order



Source doc samples from Shopify

Sales Order

  1. Product - note at present we only have very limited support by setting values for the below specified Pipe17 product properties

Source doc samples from ShipStation

Sales Order